Career UP

Today’s career market has impacted everyone, especially Millennials and Generation X professionals who are hoping to be promoted. And then there are Boomers who have left positions after years with the same companies or have lost the ability or desire to retire. Whether you fit in one of these groups or have a small or startup business of one employee, you need to know how to market yourself. Communicating effectively and implementing a variety of marketing strategies to promote yourself is critical to being the First Choice by a potential customer or an employer.

Job Seekers

“A Whole New World’” is not just a song in a Disney movie.  It is truly a whole new world out there when it comes to job seekers. The resume is a given, but there is a whole lot more that goes into being the candidate of choice by employers today. Personality, behavior and values are playing a greater role than ever before. Communicating effectively throughout the relationship requires strategy and skills to share how you will work and what you will bring to a company is work well spent time so that you don’t blow it!

Career Transitioning

Are you transitioning out of the military? Nothing is more urgent for you than determining how to communicate your experience and skills in nonmilitary language. Your incredible service and value is not always understood by potential employers. Even knowing where to network, how to set up your LinkedIn profile, and other strategies can be overwhelming. I have assisted many military personnel in transition.

Are you transitioning out of teaching or from a nonprofit to profit organization? I took a class in 1983 for how to transition out of teaching at a local university Women’s Center. Then I took a business communications class, and when asked by the professor why I should get an A for the class, I handed him my new business cards showing my first step to starting an advertising/PR firm. I got an A (maybe not totally from that strategy, but it definitely had an impact!

Making YOU Marketable training, materials, and our online community will help you make a timely and successful transition to meet your goals. Many of these new services are rolling out in the next few weeks.

Let’s Get You that Promotion!

Making that next move within your company is not a given. It takes certain skills which are often taken for granted, such as great communications, collaboration, problem-solving and leadership. It used to be that employees progressed along a certain career path, but technology, globalization, management loyalty, and flattened organizational structures have changed that. You must create and maintain your own career path. Making YOU Marketable training sessions and coaching will help you to do just that.

With Making YOU Marketable, you have several ways to learn and grow…

  • Communications assessment and coaching
  • Resume consulting and implementation
  • Webinars and Online training (Networking Skills, Interviewing Skills, and more)
  • LinkedIn Profile Development (Content, Focus, Expansion of Connections, LinkedIn Groups)
  • Social Media and Online Resume Consulting
  • Personal Branding Plan Development
  • Communications Tools Training (Messages, Cover Letters, Business Etiquette)

Making YOU Marketable is in the business of getting individuals #UNSTUCK! My greatest desire is to help you brand successfully to reach and succeed with the opportunities you want. Call or complete an GET #UNSTUCK form for a free initial discussion about your career transition or potential promotion to see how Making You Marketable makes sense for you! 757-513-8633